
In a world where we have moved beyond the dehumanising preference for a certain kind of genitals, in a world in which "sex" is but a form of basic human interaction - frindship/cuddling (just_with_genitals), we wouldn't be able to say anything interesting about sexuality on a level higher than individual.

I can feel the breeze of that world, where everything alive turns you on by virtue of being turned on.

But we live and act in our, late capitalist world, where sex is a deadly serious matter and our ultimate truth.  And in that world, the best we can do is try to renegotiate, queer and revisit the boundaries of sexuality, to plant the flag of Sustainable Fluffiness in the middle of the kingdom of the Great Phallus, to reterritoriallise sexualised bodies, always keeping it sustainable for ourselves and the world.
So I am not advising you to go cuddle your parents' or kids' genitals, but I think you will survive seriously asking why not.
In that sense, sexuality is always a form of activism and it is always something we do/are in the world and out of love for the world.